Intriguing Points From Windows Server 2022 Book (Early Release!!!) Part8.

Active Directory Domains and Trusts…

This tool is generally only used in larger environments that have more than one domain within the same network. A company may utilize multiple domain names to segregate resources or services or for better organizational structure of their servers and namespaces within the company.

Active Directory Domains and Trusts is the management tool you use to establish and modify those trust relationships.

Active Directory Migration Tool (ADMT) is used for domain migration.

There are three components to building a successful trust relationship:
1. Network connectivity
2. Conditional DNS forwarding
3. Configuring the trust

Active Directory Sites and Services

Sites and Services is another tool that is generally only employed by companies with larger Active Directory infrastructures.
The problem is that the client computers aren’t always smart enough to know which DC they need to talk to. This is the situation where Active Directory Sites and Services become essential. You build out your different physical sites and assign the domain controllers to these sites.
This saves time, as the connections are faster and more efficient and it also saves unnecessary bandwidth and data consumption on the WAN, which often saves you dollars.

to be continued…



