Stay Ahead; DevOps, Cloud, Security, Serverless… Conferences! Websites! to follow.

Staying ahead in technology is essential to growth and survival of an aspiring developer. There are legion ways to achieve but listening directly from the SMEs is a blessing.

The best thing I love about IT/Technology/Software is its open-sourceness, right?
Learning and sharing, meeting in the events having corridor talks are a great way to get motivated and move forward.

I would like to present you the collection of exciting conferences and organizations that are working tirelessly to educate the world in cloud stuff and market themselves. LOL

Here we go!
a. DevOpsDays
b. DevSecCon
c. RSACon
d. ServerlessConf
e. Serverless Architecture Conference
f. KubeCon
g. Goto Conferences
h. SANS Cloud Security
i. Black Hat
j. Datadog
k. Mandiant
l. Mitigant
m. TrendMicro
n. Terraform
o. Microsoft Mechanics
p. ThoughtWorks
r. Last Week in AWS (DuckBill Group)
s. AWS re:invent
v. SANS Cloud Ace
w. Open Security Summit
x. Contrast Security
y. Sam Newman & Associates
z. Martin Fowler

and the list goes on…

Missed any, do let us know in the comments!

Thanks for visiting!



