Intriguing Points From Windows Server 2022 Book (Early Release!!!) Part1.

I was blessed with the opportunity to get an early release version of the brand new “Windows Server 2022” edition for review.
Written by an Industry expert, Microsoft’s Most Valuable Professional “Jordan Krause”.

Let’s begin!

This is part one of the series.

  • Linux servers offer certain benefits, especially in web hosting.
  • Microsoft has been taking significant steps to outpace competition and build unique ways to tie on-premise datacenters together with Azure.
  • Technology like Azure Stack HCI, the ability to essentially host your own instances of Azure inside datacenter walls.
  • Moving to cloud won’t negate the need for IT staff, your people will just need different skillsets.
  • Incorrect configuration of DNS can cause multitudes of problems.
  • A windows client machine is a requester, consumer and contributor of data.
  • Each service inside Windows Server is provided as or as part of, a role.
  • Think roles as the meat and potatoes of a server and Features as salt and pepper.
  • Features may complement and add functionality to the base operating system.
  • The combination of roles and features inside Windows Server is what equips that piece of metal to do work.
  • If you host virtual machines in Azure, you now have the option of selecting your new VM to run this special Azure Edition and it then enables some cool new features that are unique to this edition – things like Hot Patch and SMB via QUIC.
  • Another special scenario where you might be able to run Windows Server 2022 Azure Edition from within the physical walls of your building – Azure Stack HCI.
  • It is possible to build your own implementation of Azure, right inside your own datacenter, using Azure Stack HCI.

———————————-end of part one——————————-

Stay tuned!
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