Category: Uncategorized

  • What is DevOps – a crystal clear meaning;

    When I landed in DevOps, at first I could not get my head around in understanding what actually it is and what it encompasses.After living for long time – skimming through several articles, watching ample videos it began to make sense to me. Different people and organizations have different definitions of DevOps.Nevertheless, those meaning that…

  • What is Serverless? Listen from the experts: John Chapin & Mike Roberts from Symphonia

    Note: These points are taken from the book “Programming AWS Lambda” by John Chapin and Mike Roberts.It is an excellent read and helps you get started with AWS Lambda using Java programming language, nevertheless, it also explores short history and state of serverless. Serverless can be divided into two ideas: backend as a service (BaaS)…

  • Opening an HTML file in Linux (WSL) with a web-browser failed…

    I created a simple .html file and tried to open it in the browser from Linux (WSL).Unfortunately, it required me to download browsers and set the BROWSER environment variable.After running $ open hello.html – I get error and even after setting the correct environment variables and installing the browser throwed several errors. Finally, after much…

  • Public IP Addresses in AWS Keeps changing!!!

    Did you spin up an instance and found that there is no public IP address associated with it?The solution is simple – at the time of creating an EC2 instance you will have to enable (auto-assign public IP) toggle: Click on the edit button and then select the ‘enable’ option from the drop down and…

  • What’s the matter with AWS Security groups and NACLs?

    AWS Security groups and Network Access Control Lists comes under AWS networking > VPC (Virtual Private Cloud).They can be thought of as traffic controllers whether incoming or outgoing (inbound and outbound) respectively. Security groups are associated with instances, whereas, NACLs are tied to subnets – a range of IP addresses. What’s the difference?Well, Security groups…

  • Is DevOps becoming more developer friendly? & How to excel in it…

    DevOps started as less Dev and more of an Ops role, different organizations present different meanings of DevOps – all in all, it a mix of culture, processes and tools that facilitate smooth delivery of software while ensuring the dev, ops and testers are in the loop. However, it is seen that nowadays, it is…

  • AWS ECS container exited with exit code 1

    Working with containers in production can be hectic at times, however, having good observability into the system will prove beneficial. AWS ECS is a container service with largely two types (1) Fargate (like serverless) & (2) EC2 – which run containers on EC2 instances. Alright, let’s move on…So, to get more visibility into the ECS,…

  • DevOps/DevSecOps beginner resources

    Some useful resources for DevOps or DevSecOps beginners to get started with… 1. Linux LPI essentials (YouTube – Shawn Powers)2. DevOps Prerequisites (YouTube – Linux SysOps handbook ( Kode Kloud Engineer program (It’s free)5. linuxjourney.com6. Ann Afamefuna’s unique GitHub DevOps projects ($25 – underdeveloped or developing countries. May vary for other countries)7. Linux Server…

  • AWS cdk with python reading from env file